Friday 8 September 2017

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

  1.  Music videos are either performance, narrative or concept orientated. Performance led music videos are either dance led, or sometimes just the artist performing the song itself. Narrative led music video normally have a story line. Sometimes music videos are narrative led, but also have the vocalist singing.
  2. Music videos sometimes link directly aka illustrative what the song is about. Sometimes music videos do not link to the lyrics at all at first look, however they can have a deeper meaning that amplifies the lyrics. If a music video is narrative led, it can contradict the song's lyrics.
  3. All music genres do have their own style. For example, pop songs normally have a performance led music video, like dance.
  4. Some music videos, especially pop music videos have explicit representation of women; this sticks to the theory of the male gaze, that the camera is in fact a heterosexual man viewing a woman in a sexual way.
  5.  A music video has to have a star image of the main band and artist, so that the audience can associate themselves with them.
  6. Intertexuality doesn't always appear in the videos, but it is normal from popular films and tv shows that the audience will notice. 

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