Wednesday 18 October 2017


A common occurrence in my music video plan is reunions. The reunion between Child A and Child B, and between Teenager A and B. This because reunion scenes are placed in films or shows to get an emotional response from the audience, if the characters haven't seen each other in a long time having a reunion scene can be tear-jerking for an audience and something they have been waiting for, for a long time. After talking to my target audience about their favourite music videos and TV shows it is blatantly obvious that my target audience are in YA (Young Adult) style TV shows which are full of emotional reunion scenes as they are usually set in a post-apocalyptic or supernatural world where characters are likely to be separated because of confrontation. Even though my music video will not have a post-apocalyptic or supernatural theme, having two emotional reunion scenes when the colour fades back into the frame will hopefully admit an emotional response from my audience.

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Question 4

Peter by Liberty Richardson