Meet Me On The Battlefield - Music Video Plan
Initially, Meet Me On The Battlefield, is a song about a war or a end of the world situation; it denotes both feelings of sadness and anger throughout, because the singer starts off soft and sombre, but after the first chorus, she starts to sing louder and in a different tone, which conveys anger with the situation she is stuck in. At the first listen, images of a battlefield, the loss of loved ones and fights come into mind, considering the title of the song and lyrics like, “tired soldiers in this war,” and “echoes and the shots ring out, we may be the first to fall,” support this initial imagery. The song starts off slow, violins playing and an already sad feeling settles in, then 20 seconds in the music shifts into the lyrics, she starts of slow and quiet, showing the vocalist tiredness of the war she seems to be stuck in; the instrumental stays the same, with only a violin and piano, when it build up to the chorus it gets faster,changing the songs tempo, but is still soft and gentle and this remains in the chorus. However, when the second verse starts, the music picks up in pace; drums are added to give more a kick when she sings, her singing becomes louder and at some points it even sounds like she is shouting certain lines, conveying her anger. By the time the chorus plays for a second time, she sounds slightly distressed, angry and sad, it calms down once more after this and builds up to an even more powerful performance of the chorus; the changes in mood could suggest a soldier's tiredness of war, how at first they are sad, but anger seems to replace this.
Juxtaposed to this, at second glance, the lyrics could also mean something entirely different; which is how the singer wanted them to be heard. Meet Me On The Battlefield was written about a fractured relationship(s,) it was never said that it was a romantic relationship, but SVRCINA has said that the song is about trying to patch up a relationship or relationships with loss loves that drifted away from her over time. The “Battlefield,” is a metaphor for the broken relationship/relationships left behind and the reasons SVRCINA starts somber and sad is because she clearly misses the loved ones that she has lost contact in and the anger implies her need to have them back in her life. Evidently, Meet Me On The Battlefield is about some trying to repair a relationship with a loved one.
My idea for my music videos links to SVRCINA idea behind the song. I want to have three different narratives going on at the same time; story one is about Child A and Teenager B who was homeless, they are looking for a way back home; story two about Child B, who child who is bullied at school and online, he is looking for a friend. Finally, Teenager B who is lonely, all she wants is her family and friends. Meet Me On The Battlefield is about a loved ones trying to come together. In the end, to join all the narratives together, the audience find out that Child A was Child B’s best friend and Teenager A was teenager B’s best friend; the were actually looking for each other.